!st day in kl

Friday, November 21, 2008


Took the morning flight and just slept for about 2-3 hours... was TOO extremely excited to go for hols...lol then went to visit my dad at Capitol Hotel before he leaves and go back to Penang... took a nap at J.W Marriot... finally had dinner.. my fav BARBECUE CHICKEN RICE!!!

It's OVER!!!

Wednesday, November 19, 2008


Just had my last As paper today which is Chemistry paper 1... The stressful life is finally OVER!!!...lol tomorrow im off to KL then to Penang...AH! cant wait... Gonna miss my buddies Lee Kim Teck and Kenaina Adan.. Happy Holiday everyone...=)

I'm still ALIVE!!!

Saturday, November 1, 2008


Today me, Teck, Jinky and Kenaina went for lunch at Pak Cik Wan Cafe... Well before that i have to fetch Teck and Jinky at college... Pak Cik Wan Cafe is located sumwhere in Lutong... SO you know how far is it from Riam to Lutong. South Pole to North Pole...haha but it's worth it, cheap and delicious. After our lunch, me and Teck went to Starbucks to grab a coffee not Setarbak. After our examination is done, i waited for Lee to give me the link to the "FAMOUS" movie Jinky, Kenaina and Teck was talking about which is '2 Girls 1 Cup'. As i watched it, i was like, WTF!!!. And i vomitted. Daym u Teck. hahahahahahah At night went to send my sis to tuition and dun wanna waste petrol going back home so asked Teck out for a dinner. We went to Siamese Secret but the food not really nice tho and expensive too...lol

What a DAY..xD

Thursday, September 25, 2008


Well today, for the first 2 period was supposed to be physics class but since Mr Kho is not here, Critical Thinking took over for 3 periods. But nah cant be bothered to come so early so i came on the 3rd period. I rather study at home than watching that sarcastic CT lecturer.

11.30 a.m.

Just done with CT, thank God and there's 2 hours of lunch break. I was quite lazy to attend Math class in the afternoon so i planned to go home. Lee wanted to go hometoo so i offered him a ride. While on the way, Lee said just drop him at Servay cause he dun wanna get home so early. Anyway i asked Lee wanna join me 'lepak' at Boulevard Cyber Cafe for about 2 hours. We met this awesome car 'Mazda RX8' white....DAYMN!!!

And so came along this African lady, Lee opened the window and shouted YAMAN!!!...Lee, thank God she's not Jamaican, if she is, she'll crush you with her big boobs...xD

me playing games...lolz


Well today me and Yonghan plan to go to Cherries Berries which will be our last night clubbing before As exam... He wanted to learn dancing so we went to Maurice's house and dance... Maurice wanted to go for a swim so what the heck anything will do for me...hahaha we invited Winnie, Tse Yui and Caroline as well...hehe

Maurice not concentrating while driving...XD

Return of the love machine!!

Thursday, September 18, 2008


Hey yo... Luffy's back in the house... sorry to disappear all of a sudden... Was kinda pissed off cause of the uncivilized people who "SPAM" my chatbox and my blog... well who cares... haha